  • Description
  • Curriculum

It is  always a dream of a women to fulfill the wish of the family and a blessing of becoming a mother , now a days with hasty lifestyle , improper dietary regimen , stressful jobs and commitments , pollutions are leading to emerge various clinical conditions like PCOD , Fibroids and Tubal blockage which might result into infertility like conditions which are to be rectified . But the bad truth is these conditions are incurable in modern science and also have limited results after surgical interventions

Indian Institute of Ayurveda and Rasashastra – IIAR presents a unique sensation on this topic on priority to discuss on these topics and encourage Vaidyas for successful practice and dealing such conditions in their clinics.

IIAR covering all aspects clinically with multidimensional approach by understanding these conditions and treating with evidence based protocols, herbomineral preparations and other modules to give a solution on these topics. Join us to gain more and achieve success.


1.Dr. Satish Jalihal

Professor, dept of Prasuti tantra &Stri roga.

S.V.M Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, Ilkal.

2. Dr. Ravinder Chiluveru

Rtd. Principal, AL. GAC. Warangal, TS. Former Principal In-charge & Professor HoD PG Studies PT&SR, Dr. BRKR. GAC. Hyderabad.


Sl.No. Date Topic Faculty
1. 22/7/2021 PCOD & its management Dr.C.H.Ravindra
2. 23/7/2021 PCOD & its management Dr.Satish Jalihal
3. 26/7/2021 Fibroid & its management Dr.C.H.Ravindra
4. 27/7/2021 Fibroid & its management Dr.Satish Jalihal
5. 28/7/2021 Tubal Blockage & its management Dr.C.H.Ravindra
6. 29/7/2021 Tubal Blockage & its management Dr.Satish Jalihal

TIMING: 9:30-10:30 PM