The Divine Art Of Pottali Kalpana- Boon To Humanity

  • Description
  • Curriculum

Modern world-a world of hectic schedule, stress,autoimmune and deadly diseases like Cancer,Aids etc.

Pottali kalpana emerged as a handy medication to carry ,administer even in chronic or in emergencies like in ICU in small doses which is directly absorbed from mucosal membrane.

A consolidated form which can be given in Maha  Rogas.

Preservation for years – a great advantage of pottali kalpana.

Great results in ojjakshaya,rajyakshma syndrome like conditions of jeernaavastha of Rogas assures remarkable improvement even in malignancies by ojaskara ,vyadhishamana and rasayana properties .

To face the challenging world and for the quick responce to the needy patients we need such divine medicine forms which can handle such situations in need of time .

This certificate course shall include the references , their preparation methods and logic in  preparing technique , the utility of these medicines in clinical perspective with few of the case studies .

The pottali kalpas make their place as mandatory in a successful clinician racks and to make one become more successful in clinical perspective and challenge the modern world in handling cases the knowledge of pottali kalpas is necessary and our team iiar intend to trigger a certificate course of such a rare science and teach the benifits of these forms of medicines in every day practice.


Dr.M.Gopi Krishna

Chairman, IIAR

Bellary, Karnataka

Registration Fee- 800/-

Date of commencement :4/10/2021- (3days)

Timing : 9:30PM-10:30PM

Time table

4/10/21 The art of pottali nirmana
6/10/21 Modifications in  pottali kalpas based on clinical experience .

Srotas anusara pottali prayoga .

Clinical utility of various pottali in clinical perspective

8/10/21 Clinical case study of various pottali kalpas