Vata is prana of the humans as it is responsible for all chestas &the deranged vata leads to 80 types of vatavyadhis There is a long list of diseases which are caused by vata which include sandigata vata, amavata, krostuka sirsha, kampavata,pakshaghata, avabahuka, etc- musculoskeletal & neurological conditions. These asadharana vyadhis caused by only vitiation of vata are termed as Vatavyadhis. Proper understanding of vata and its vitiated condition are necessary to know to keep the body in equilibrium.
Here in our E-Learning Platform of IIAR we would be discussing about the vatavyadhi’s characterisation, general chikitsa and detailed discussion on the very regularly encountered vatavyadhis in the daily practice. How to practice at the OPD & IPD levels.
Hurry up and book your seats soon and grab the golden opportunity to learn in detail about Vatavyadhi- A Journey From Basics To Theraputics
Date of commencement of session:
15/02/2022 – 4/3/2022- Main session
Registration fee- 3000/-
For queries and help reach us on – [email protected]
Faculty – Dr.M.Gopi Krishna
Number of classes – 15 Classes
Timing – 9.30 to 10.30PM
Medium – English /Hindi
Recordings available for 60days.
E-Certificate issued to the delegates who ever accomplish the course.
Topic | Faculty |
Applied anatomy of nervous system | Dr.Mohan Goldsmith, Koppal |
Nadi Pariksha & Importance of Vatavyadhi in Clinical Practice | Vd.Tapan Kumar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat |
Vatavyadhi Chikitsa in routine clinical Practice | Dr.Muralidhar Sharma, Udupi |
Panchakarma Chikitsa For treating Vatavyadhis | Dr.Gurumahantesh T M, Koppal |
Rasaushadhis in vatavyadhi | Dr.Gopikrishna M, Bellary, Karnataka |
Understanding Vatavyadhis in Clinical Practice | Dr.Upendra Dixit, Goa |
Role of Agada chikitsa & Pathyapathya in treating Vatavyadhi. | Dr. Gopi Krishna S, Kottakal, Kerala |
Vatavyadi in Clinical Practice | Dr.Raghavendra Acharya, Udupi Karnataka |
Marma chikitsa – Vata vyadhi | Dr.Ajayan. S, Trivandrum, Kerala |
Formulations discussion – Vatavydhi | Dr.Jyoti Verma, Sriganganagar, Rajasthan |
Formulations discussion – Vatavydhi | Dr. Pallavi. M, Hospet, Karnataka |
Vatavyadhi – session 1 | 15/2/2022 | Tuesday |
Vatavyadhi – session 2 | 16/2/2022 | Wednesday |
Vatavyadhi – session 3 | 17/2/2022 | Thursday |
Vatavyadhi – session 4 | 20/2/2022 | Sunday |
Vatavyadhi – session 5
Vatavyadhi – session 6 Vatavyadhi – session 7 |
22/2/2022 23/2/2022 |
Tuesday Wednesday |
Vatavyadhi – session 8 | 24/2/2022 | Thursday |
Vatavyadhi – session 9 | 25/2/2022 | Friday |
Vatavyadhi – session 10 | 26/2/2022 | Saturday |
Vatavyadhi – session 11 | 27/2/2022 | Sunday |
Vatavyadhi – session 12
Vatavyadhi – session 13 |
28/2/2022 2/3/2022 | Monday , Wednesday |
Vatavyadhi – session 14 | 3/3/2022 | Thursday |
Vatavyadhi – session 15 | 4/3/2022 | Friday |
Terms and conditions: